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British Phonographic Industry og Can’t Get You Out of My Head

Snarveier: Forskjeller, Likheter, Jaccard Likhet koeffisient, Referanser.

Forskjellen mellom British Phonographic Industry og Can’t Get You Out of My Head

British Phonographic Industry vs. Can’t Get You Out of My Head

British Phonographic Industry (BPI) er den britiske plateindustriens bransjeforening. «Can't Get You Out of My Head» er en dansepop-sang innspilt av den australske sangeren Kylie Minogue på hennes åttende studioalbum Fever.

Likheter mellom British Phonographic Industry og Can’t Get You Out of My Head

British Phonographic Industry og Can’t Get You Out of My Head har 2 ting til felles (i Unionpedia): International Federation of the Phonographic Industry, Recording Industry Association of America.

International Federation of the Phonographic Industry

International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) er en global organisasjon som representerer platebransjen.

British Phonographic Industry og International Federation of the Phonographic Industry · Can’t Get You Out of My Head og International Federation of the Phonographic Industry · Se mer »

Recording Industry Association of America

Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) er en bransjeforening for plateindustrien i USA.

British Phonographic Industry og Recording Industry Association of America · Can’t Get You Out of My Head og Recording Industry Association of America · Se mer »

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Sammenligning mellom British Phonographic Industry og Can’t Get You Out of My Head

British Phonographic Industry har 11 relasjoner, mens Can’t Get You Out of My Head har 36. Som de har til felles 2, er den Jaccard indeksen 4.26% = 2 / (11 + 36).


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